WordPress plugin admin




  1. plugin per page toolbar button and improvements
  2. MS plugin snakeoil URL fix
  3. job applicants processing
  4. Edge warning message
  5. Woo plugin fixes
  6. Mush error fix at 60$/h
  7. Mush error fix continued at 90$/h
  8. WP staging and backup solution
  9. USA1 payment sync
  10. Woocommerce table optimization  + new indices
  11. Elasticsearch integration
  12. MariaDB performance issue debugging
  13. fast query indexer plugin
  14. server move and PHP 7 compatibility
  15. Percona meetings
  16. mysql shop crash recovery
  17. SKU plugin update




task 1 240 $
task 2 540 $
task 3 240 $
task 4 240 $
task 5 60 $
task 6 300 $
task 7 270 $
task 8 1380 $
task 9 120 $
task 10 240 $
task 11 660 $
task 12 1200 $
task 13 TBD $
task 14 600 $
task 15 120 $
task 15 120 $
task 15 120 $
task 16 120 $
task 17 120 $



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